Digital Clock & World Weather is a free application that offers users an excellent way to view the current and forecasted world weather. It is produced by MACHAPP Software Ltd. and is very useful for people who want to keep track of the local time and the weather all around the world. This app is compatible with iOS and Android devices and can be installed through the App Store. It can be downloaded from Google Play.
In order to install Digital Clock & World Weather on your phone, you must first download the official app from the Google Play store. You must have at least 30MB of free space on your device to install it. Also, you need to have a high-speed Internet connection. This will prevent you from downloading the latest version of the app. It is recommended to download the latest version of the app and install it from Google Play store.
After downloading the application, you can then run it. Once the app has been installed, you should open the "Settings" menu and select the "Digital Clock & World Weather" option. Once the app is installed, you will be able to view the current weather. After that, you can access the settings and change your settings to meet your needs. Then, go to the 'Settings' section and select the desired location to see the current conditions of the world.